
Thunder Bay Intimate images shared after hacking impact 117 Canada, U.S., overseas victims, maybe more: Thunder Bay policeThe Thunder Bay Police Service (TBPS) has released more details about an online chat group in which intimate images of women and children from Canada, the U.S. and overseas were obtained via hackingContinue Reading


Thunder Bay Health-care professionals in northwestern Ontario say the expansion of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) services in the region will be a game changer for patients, especially those who spend hours travelling from remote communities for care. Here’s what we know about the services coming to Kenora and Sioux Lookout.Continue Reading


WARNING: This story contains references to suicide. Always smiling, always joking, always asking curious questions. This is how Jenayah Skunk’s family described her at her funeral earlier this month in Mishkeegogamang First Nation. Jenayah died by suicide late last month, according to her family and community. She was 10 years old. TheContinue Reading


Thunder Bay An investigation has detected 114 “unmarked burial features” on the former property of McIntosh Indian Residential School (IRS) in the Kenora district of northwestern Ontario, the Wiikwogaming Tiinahtiisiiwin Project Team said Thursday.  Large part of property in Kenora district of northwestern Ontario still unsearched Michelle Allan · CBC News ·Continue Reading


The family of a seven-year-old boy from Deer Lake First Nation who was denied medical transportation coverage because he didn’t yet have an Indian status card is calling for changes to Ottawa’s Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program. Jordan Harper was seriously injured, and his grandmother died, in January in a head-on collision with anotherContinue Reading


Thunder Bay A remote First Nation in northwestern Ontario that has been under a boil-water advisory for 19 years has declared a state of emergency over recent contamination of its water supply. Marten Falls First Nation’s chief and council issued the emergency declaration on Monday following a sewage spill on Friday.Continue Reading


While there’s been a 35 per cent jump in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cases across Canada, the numbers have stabilized in northwestern Ontario — and health-care workers largely attribute it to harm reduction services available in the region. The incident rate in the Thunder Bay District Health Unit’s (TBDHU) catchment area wasContinue Reading